I am having a vulnerable week.
There have been tears, fears and yes, doubts a plenty. In Jamming terms I have been staring at a half finished canvas and it is messy, embarrassing, unresolved, ugly even.
This is generally the point in a Jam where people will once again turn to me for advice. I try to ease the struggle and occasionally offer a friendly opinion, but always resist ‘teaching’ or telling Jammers what to do, because of course there is no ‘right way’ and it is simply not my decision to make. It is also, like the first moment of facing the blank canvas, an opportunity with great potential for empowerment.
In her TED talk The Power of Vulnerability, Brene Brown shares the story of her journey into Vulnerability. She speaks about the discomfort of learning, having a “willingness to do something where there are no guarantees.” Her message is that we are born courageous creatures “wired for struggle” and our efforts to avoid or reduce the discomfort associated with this risk merely serve to dull the shine on our glorious imperfect lives and loves.
Having a willingness to share what is messy, embarrassing or unresolved is opening a door to learning, because learning is an exchange, a dialogue. We must be prepared to say to ourselves or to another ‘I don’t know,’ ‘I am afraid,’ ‘how can?’ ‘I wonder’ and then to boldly step into that space of discovery.
Yes, it was a messy week. I had my moment of tears, fears and doubts and I am so pleased! Excited and thrilled to be playing in a space of new learning! And grateful to those who have shared and supported me.
At the end of every Jam I thank participants for Sharing their Creativity. This is not merely ‘thanks for your business,’ but an expression of truly genuine gratitude for giving of themselves, sharing a moment of their beautiful vulnerability. What a special gift!