This image hangs in my office to remind me to go places I was never going to go! To do the things I was never going to do and never thought I could.
Vicki is the friend I turn to when I catch myself saying I can’t.
The original of this painting hangs in a museum in Budapest. Whilst travelling though Europe, my friend and I had become caught in the vortex that is Prague (another story!) Virtually from our first day there, a lovely American lad set about convincing us to go to Budapest. Now of course, Budapest was not on our ‘agenda.’ We were rapidly running out of money and we didn’t have time/visas etc.. We had a dozen reasons why we were not going to Budapest.
Of course being American and deliciously young, our friend had a charming immunity to ‘No.’ He persisted with, “WHEN you go to Budapest, you will stay at such and such” and “WHEN you go to Budapest you will eat..” and of course, “WHEN you go to Budapest you will meet Vicki.”
We stayed in Budapest for four weeks, tried to leave, got lost looking for the train station and stayed another two weeks, in surrender to the place we were never going to go! I have many fond memories of the city and cherish all my experiences there, as well as friendships that may never have been if it were not for Vicki.
What was the last thing you did that you never expected you would?
Oh the places we were never going to go!